Creativity, Unique Style, Free Spirit, Handcrafted in Spain.

Creativity in its purest state to find a unique voice in the jewelry world. Going down an unexplored path and doing it creating a trend. We create genuine pieces that drive our customers to freely express their lifestyle. Our design team develops pieces whose exclusive design allows its customers to express their personality.
Unique Style
Along with using leather, the alloy used by the brand is one of its main distinctive characteristics. The alloy covers organic designs inspired by everyday objects and shapes in nature. A unique, constantly expanding iconography that is brought to life in the two collections that UNOde50 launches on the market each year.

Free spirit
Freedom and creativity to break away from what is established. Turning each piece of the brand into a form of differentiation, in the reflection of a creative spirit that joins UNOde50 on each new project.
Handcrafted in Spain
Expert hands turn the sketches from the table into reality. Pieces that after being shaped and plated in silver or gold pass a strict control guaranteeing the highest quality. All our pieces are handcrafted in Madrid as a brand that does not renounce our quality guarantee.